Manual for ingest-fastq

The cubi-tk sodar ingest-fastq command lets you upload raw data files to SODAR. It is configured for uploading FASTQ files by default, but the parameters can be adjusted to upload any files.

The basic usage is:

$ cubi-tk sodar ingest-fastq SOURCE [SOURCE ...] DESTINATION

where each SOURCE is a path to a folder containing relevant files and DESTINATION is either an iRODS path to a landing zone in SODAR or the UUID of that landing zone.

Other file types

By default, the parameters --src-regex and --remote-dir-pattern are configured for FASTQ files, but they may be changed to upload other files as well. The two parameters have the following functions:

  • --src-regex: a regular expression to recognize paths to raw data files to upload (the paths starting from the SOURCE directories).
  • --remote-dir-pattern: a pattern specifying into which folder structure the raw data files should be uploaded. This is a file path with wildcards that are replaced by the captured content of named groups in the regular expression passed via --src-regex.

For example, the default --src-regex is


It can capture a variety of different FASTQ file names and has the named groups sample, lane, mate and batch. The default --remote-dir-pattern is


It contains the wildcard {sample}, which will be filled with the captured content of group (?P<sample>...). In addition, the wildcards {date} and {filename} can always be used and will be filled with the current date and full filename (the basename of a matched file), respectively.

Mapping of file names

In some cases additional mapping of filenames is required (for example the samples should be renamed). This can be done via the parameter --remote-dir-mapping or short -m. It can be supplied several times, each time for another mapping. With each -m MATCH REPL a pair of a regular expression and a replacement string are specified. Internally, pythons re.sub command is executed on the --remote-dir-pattern after wildcards have been filled. Therefore, you can refer to the documentation of the re package for syntax questions.

Source files on WevDAV

If a SOURCE is a WebDAV url, the files will temporarily be downloaded into a directory called “./temp/”. This can be adjusted with the --tmp option.

SODAR authentication

To use this command, which internally executes iRODS icommands, you need to authenticate with iRODS by running:

$ iinit

To be able to access the SODAR API (which is only required, if you specify a landing zone UUID instead of an iRODS path), you also need an API token. For token management for SODAR, the following docs can be used:

There are three options how to supply the token. Only one is needed. The options are the following:

  1. configure ~/.cubitkrc.toml.

    sodar_server_url = ""
    sodar_api_token = "<your API token here>"
  2. pass via command line.

    $ cubi-tk sodar ingest-fastq --sodar-url "" --sodar-api-token "<your API token here>"
  3. set as environment variable.

    $ SODAR_API_TOKEN="<your API token here>"

More Information

Also see cubi-tk sodar ingest-fastq CLI documentation and cubi-tk sodar ingest-fastq --help for more information.